On Christmas Day, Jason and I were able to watch our nieces and nephew open presents (Christmas Eve in Wyoming) by using skype and a webcam. It made the holiday seem more special that I was able to see their adorable faces.
Here's where we spent Christmas Day. It's a bamboo forest (more park than forest actually) in Ulsan.
A few days before Christmas, Jason and I went to a Tol party for Jared and Sarah's son, Luke. It's a first birthday party with more pomp and circumstance than I've ever seen for a one year old. The significance of this is that the infant mortality rate used to be extrememly high - so there was cause to celebrate when a child reached their first birthday. It's also when the child's future is predicted. Several items made of clay are placed on a table in front of the child. Whichever item the child chooses first determines his future.
Bow and arrow: the child will become a warrior
Spool of thread: the child will have a long life
Jujube: the child will have many descendants
Pencil: the child will become a successful scholar
Rice cake: the child will become rich
Paintbrush: the child will be an artist
Knife: the child will be a good cook
Luke choose the spool of thread...so here's to Luke having a long and happy life. Kom bei!
The kid can choose a knife? I'm not sure what parenting book recommends that. Couldn't they use a spatula instead?
This will be the closest I've come to blogging, leaving a comment on your blog. Anyway, glad to hear things are going well in Korea! Brandon mentioned that you had a blog now, and a Google search on "Sarah Schmidt blog korea teaching" pulled it right up. Not sure if you or Jason are Irish, but Happy Saint Patrick's Day either way!
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